Европейска федерация на академиите на науките
Европейската федерация на академиите на науките, която заедно с Европейската научна фондация (Страсбург) осъществи международната оценка на институтите на БАН, е основана през 1994 г. и е Федерация на 53 национални академии на науките и хуманитарните науки в 40 европейски страни.
(Това – за онези глупци, които се раздраха да крещят, че само в България било имало академия на науките, че наука се правела само в университетите!)
Академиите-членове на ЕФАН са самоуправляващи се общности от учени и специализанти, и функционират като научни общества, мозъчни тръстове, предоставящи грантове и организации, извършващи научни изследвания.
* насърчава обмена на информация и опит между академии;
* предлага на европейската наука и общество съвети от своите академии-членки;
* стреми се към отлични постижения в областта на науката и образованието, за високи етични стандарти в провеждането на научните изследвания, както и за независимост от политическите, търговските и идеологическите интереси.
Членове на ЕФАН са следните европейски научни светилища:
01. Academy of Sciences of Albania
02. Austrian Academy of Sciences
03. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
04. Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Belgium
05. Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts
06. Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
07. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
08. Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
09. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
10. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
11. Estonian Academy of Sciences
12. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
13. Acadйmie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Paris)
14. Acadйmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (Paris)
15. Academy of Sciences (France)
16. European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
17. Georgian Academy of Sciences
18. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gцttingen (Germany)
19. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz (Germany)
20. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
21. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
22. German Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina" (Germany)
23. Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
24. Nordrhein-Westfдlische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
25. Sдchsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (Germany)
26. Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (Germany)
27. Academy of Athens (Greece)
28. Hungarian Academy of Sciences
29. Icelandic Society of Sciences
30. The Royal Irish Academy of Sciences (UK)
31. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Jerusalem)
32. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy)
33. Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts
34. Latvian Academy of Sciences
35. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
36. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
37. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
38. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
39. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
40. Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
41. Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences Krakow
42. Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
43. Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (Portugal)
44. Romanian Academy
45. Russian Academy of Sciences
46. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
47. Slovak Academy of Sciences
48. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
49. Instituto de Espaсa (Spain)
50. The Royal Spanish Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (Spain)
51. The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (Sweden)
52. The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (Sweden)
53. The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (Sweden)
54. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Sweden)
55. Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (Switzerland)
56. The Turkish Academy of Sciences (Ankara)
57. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
58. The British Academy (UK)
59. The Royal Society (UK)
60. The Royal Society of Edinburgh (UK-Scotland)
61. Pontifical Academy of Sciences (Vatican)
Между партньорите на ЕФАН са:
01. Academia Europaea
02. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
03. Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia
04. European Industrial Research Management Association
05. European Council of Applied Sciences and Engineering
06. EuroCRIS
08. European Academies Science Advisory Council
09. European Association of Research and Technology Organisations
10. European Life Sciences Forum
11. European Materials Forum
12. European Science Foundation (другият рецензент на БАН)
13. European University Association
14. Euroscience
15. Fedeartion of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies
16. Inter Academy Council
17. Inter Academy Panel
18. InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences
19. International Council for Science
20. International Social Science Council
21. League of European Research Universities
22. Network of African Research Universities
23. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
24. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
25. World Science Forum 2009
и други.